Application: Sacrifice, Love
Application: Sacrifice, Love
Memory verse: Luke 9:23-25
What is Jesus worth?
Parables = Earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
Matt 13:44 - Treasure
Don't just pick and choose what you want to take from Jesus, take all of Him.
Matt 13:45-46 - Pearl
Searching for what's important and not the things of this life.
Once finding Jesus, do all in your power to get Him.
Matt 13:47-48 - Net
We need to be able to sit down and look at the things we do, and take out the bad things.
What does Jesus cost us?
Costs of following Jesus:
Luke 9:57-58
Jesus did not have a home - You may face hardships such as not having a home.
Luke 9:59-60
The dead is not as important as the living - Devote your life to spreading the good news of Jesus.
Luke 9:61-62
Wishing you had something you aren't supposed to have - You cannot hold onto anything in the world.
Luke 14:25-33
One of the most difficult passages to do. Jesus is serious.
(Luke 9:23) This verse to take up your cross daily.
How does Jesus see us?
Everything so far is how we should see Jesus. But how does He see us?
Luke 15:3-7
The Shepherd goes to find the one lost sheep. Why go for one sheep? He still has 99!
Luke 15:8-10
Have you ever lost something in your room and could not find it after looking for hours?
Repentance = Change of mind resulting in change of action. As we have seen and we will see again, God rejoices!
Luke 11:14-24 - Prodigal Son
It doesn't matter what you have done, it doesn't matter how much you have failed.
God will always love you. When we come to Him in repentance, He always accepts us with open arms.
Application ideas:
What are some things we could give up so that we can get to Jesus? Time? Money?
What are some things to help us remember how God sees us?
Next week's memory verse: Luke 18:14, 19:10
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