Application: Obedience
Memory verse: Luke 2:51-52Application: Obedience
-Each household was to take a sheep or goat that had no blemish and was about one year old.
-All of Israel would kill the animals on the 14th day of the first month at twilight.
-They are to spread the blood of the animal on the doorposts of the houses.
-The animal cannot be left until morning, it must be burned before morning.
-They could eat it with unleavened bread and herbs.
-They are to eat it: dressed for travel, sandals on feet, and staff in hand. Eat it in a hurry, because it is the Lord's Passover.
Festival of Unleavened Bread:
-Along with the Passover, they celebrated the festival of unleavened bread.
-They are to remove the yeast from your house and eat unleavened bread for 7 days. Only unleavened bread?
-During the seven days, no work is to be done, except for the preparing of food.
-All these things are found in Ex 12.
Jesus was 12 years old. About sixth grade.
Parents assumed He was with them. Parents are not perfect, they can make mistakes.
They searched for three days. Jesus was not with them 3+ days.
He was in the temple among the teachers, listening and asking questions.
Scholars were amazed at His understanding and answers.
Jesus treated them like this? They had left him!!!
Jesus knows what's most important: studying and learning.
"Father" We call God our Father. We are adopted sons and daughters of His. Jesus was the first one to call God 'Father'
They did not understand because Jesus is already talking of spiritual things other than physical things.
Nazareth. Remember that this is where Joseph is from. They were here before they went to Bethlehem.
Jesus was obedient to them. His parents left him and did he ask for special privileges? No! Did he ask for something in return for leaving him for more than 3 days? No! Even when parents are not perfect, obey them!
Mary treasured these things. She was Jesus' mother! NOTHING is more special to a mother when their child is obedient to her.
Here's an intro to Jesus' life:
Jesus is growing in wisdom (greater than knowledge),
statue (eating healthily and becoming strong),
and in favor of God (being obedient to God)
and with the people (He's not selfish with people, he's being kind and does not have enemies).
Next weeks' memory verse: Matt 3:11, Matt 4:4
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