January 5, 2010

The Life of Christ - Lesson 2


Application: Humility

Memory verse: Luke 1:31-33


Speaking of Joseph and Mary, let's look at their ancestors.

Matt 1:1-16

-Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - The fathers of the Israelite nation

-Judah, Jesus' tribe. Just as Isaiah said.

-Ruth, there's a whole book of the Bible about her life. She was King David's great-grandmother.

-Jesse. Isaiah spoke of him by name. 800 years before!

-Exile. Ended the period of the kings. 10 of these kings were good kings, 4 of these kings where evil kings.

-Joseph. We end with Joseph. This is his genealogy.

Notice that Matthew's genealogy is different than Luke's. You'll notice how Matthew goes from David to Solomon, but Luke goes from David to another of his sons named Nathan. Luke follows Mary's line while Matthew follows Joseph's.


Now after everything we've talked about, it's time to look at Jesus' birth.

Luke 2:1-5

The tribes had zones throughout the land. Nazareth is not in Judah's zone. So Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem.

Luke 2:6-7

There were probably lots of people traveling because of the census. Stable = barn. Manger = horse trough.

The celebration of Jesus being born is embodied in the idea of Christmas, but it is more than that. It is the idea that God has lived (and is living) among us!

What Jesus did for us:

John 6:38

He came from heaven. The song Ivory Palaces is about this. Jesus did exist before His birth and before creation. (Gen 1:26, John 1:2-3)

Php 2:3-11

He humbled Himself to live as a man. Not only as a man, but also as a humble man: how can someone's birth be more humble as barn and trough?

Matt 20:28

He came to serve mankind.

In all this, He shows us Humility! How can we be like Jesus and serve others with humility?

Next week memory verse: Luke 2:51-52

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